Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A long absence, but I've returned with some stuffs to announce.

Okay, first off, I'm back. Again.

Second, I'm glad to announce that the project I'm helping out with is starting to shape up, as we've just recently released a demo, which can be found here. Screenshots can be found here, but currently we haven't uploaded any, so if you want to see some, please wait a while more.

Currently, we're missing a writer for Mikuru's arc. If anyone that reads this post is interested, do not hesitate to sign up here and provide us with your talent, thanks.

Finally, I'll like to bid you good day, and til next time we meet again.

Monday, August 04, 2008

I'm back bitches.

Yeah that's right I'm back, and what's more, i'm moving this blog onto Wordpress.

I guess that's about it, see you at Wordpress.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Curfews, curfews, curfews.

We all know curfews. Many of us had been given curfews. Well in this case it ain't for me. My laptop has been given a strict curfew. From Monday to Friday, I wouldn't be able to use the laptop. Sure, use the desktop. Did i mention my modem was locked as well, and for an infinite time? Well this sucks.

~End of Transmission~

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Recent news

Couple of news, couple of events, and a couple of let downs.

I've bought a 1/8 Max Factory Figma Haruhi. It costs me 38 bucks, but that's normal.

My Internet died on me. I used to be able to scan networks at home, but lately, my network couldn't be detected anymore (Ok fine, my NEIGHBOR'S network). They say "Lost My Music", in my case, it's "Lost My Internet". This sucks. An Internet-less night. Believe me, I'm typing this while my Internet's gone, and I'm still waiting for it to come back online so that i can post this. Oh hey it's back on.

Other news: Never, never, stuff your dinner down your throat in a rush. The after effect is horrible. HORRIBLE I SAY. I feel like puking. Ugh.

~End of Transmission~

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Things are going good

Yesterday i bought a figma Haruhi. Twas awesome.

Yesterday i finished Full Metal Panic season 1. Twas awesome.

Yesterday i watched Indiana Jones' newest movie. Twas epic.

Today my sister asked me a question for her science homework:

Q: Anthony went to Burger King and ate a Chicken Whooper burger. The burger contained chicken, mayonnaise, tomatoes, cheese and two sesame seed buns. What are the end products of the enzymatic of the Chicken Whooper that Anthony ate?

My answer:

A: Shit.

Twas awesome.

Monday, May 26, 2008

June: A series of Unfortunate Fortunates

So like, there's a Manga and Toy Convention coming up on the 28th of June down here in Hell, and I'm planning to visit it, see if there's anything worth scavenging ( I doubt, but oh well, worth a shot)


I have two consecutive weeks of classes so it's practically impossible for me to sleep late and wake up later.


I have restocked my anime stockpile just in case i take wrong turn and fell into a state of despair and desperation.


Full Metal Panic is awesome, that is all.

~End of Transmission~

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lots of news

Firstly, I'm tired. It's been a tiring day without caffeine, my caffeine level has dropped steeply recently D:

Secondly, I was reading a blog post by alafista:

"The Lucky☆Star brand has been found on sake wine, street lamps and now it is even found on this advertisement for a “Delivery Health” Shop.

According to Dannychoo, “Delivery Health” are special services where you call them up and girls will drop by your house to recharge your health points.

This is blashphemy! They are luring otakus with 2D girls and then giving them 3D girls in the end."

I agree with what he says, this is blasphemy!


Forgive me for the poor quality, my image uploader seems to be acting up for direct animated images upload.

And finally,

My Shinji has turned from an emo fag into a muscular, passionate man that wears steel clogs for leisure walking.

~End of Transmission~