Friday, May 23, 2008

Lots of news

Firstly, I'm tired. It's been a tiring day without caffeine, my caffeine level has dropped steeply recently D:

Secondly, I was reading a blog post by alafista:

"The Lucky☆Star brand has been found on sake wine, street lamps and now it is even found on this advertisement for a “Delivery Health” Shop.

According to Dannychoo, “Delivery Health” are special services where you call them up and girls will drop by your house to recharge your health points.

This is blashphemy! They are luring otakus with 2D girls and then giving them 3D girls in the end."

I agree with what he says, this is blasphemy!


Forgive me for the poor quality, my image uploader seems to be acting up for direct animated images upload.

And finally,

My Shinji has turned from an emo fag into a muscular, passionate man that wears steel clogs for leisure walking.

~End of Transmission~

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