Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chocolate: A Tale of Epic and Actions

The level of epic radiating from the silver screen when i watched the movie was almost on the scale of the recent Sichuan Earthquake. The pain that vibrates in the air was enough to make one feel it. The actions flashed across the screen is enough to make a hot-blooded kung fu lover ejaculate. Twice.

It is just that epic. The longest fight scene was at the end. It involves katanas, dual wielding, 4 storeys above ground, and total, genuine, bone breaking falls. Note: Neither impact nets nor dummies were used when the stunt actors fell off the building. It's a wonder that none of them died. All injuries (Cept the gunshot wounds) occurred in the film were all real (I kinda doubt this, as they were all fatal injuries towards the end of the film, but oh well)

Watch it. Words can't be used to describe how awesome this film is.

One last note: Never make fun of autistic kids

~End of Transmission~

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